Mdeon is a common ethical platform constituted of 29 associations of physicians, pharmacists, veterinarians, dentists, nurses, paramedicals, physiotherapists, hospital technicians, wholesalers-distributors, hospitals and of the pharmaceutical and medical devices industry. Mdeon has as objective to create, in a proactive manner, a framework of quality for the promotion and information about medicinal products and medical devices and dental technology companies.
Healthcare professionals and the medicinal products and medical devices industry have joined forces as continuing training partners. They are involved in organising scientific events where healthcare professionals have the opportunity to keep abreast of trends in their profession.
The industry extends hospitality to some healthcare professionals anxious to take part in these events (‘sponsoring participants’) and contributes to financing the organisation of these manifestations (‘sponsoring organisers’).
As the funding for some of these events is subject to a PRELIMINARY VISA by law, industry and healthcare professionals have joined forces to create a common ethical platform called Mdeon, the primary aim of which is to guarantee the visa procedure through self-regulation and in a transparent manner.
The visa number provided is a guarantee that the project sponsorship to organise or take part in a scientific event is consistent with the relevant legislation and ethics.