85% of submitted visa applications are being approved by Mdeon and form the subject of a visa number.

The visa number is sent to you by email. What to do with the received visa number?

The visa number must be communicated to all parties concerned

  • the companies who submit a visa application for the sponsorship of healthcare professionals need to inform the latter that the hospitality they are willing to offer is in accordance with the law and ethics.It is only once they have obtained a visa number that companies may invite healthcare professionals and offer the latter the hospitality as mentioned in the visa application.
  • the organisers of scientific events who submit a grouped visa application for all the event sponsors need to inform the latter that their sponsorship is in accordance with the law and ethics. The sponsors are co-responsible with regard to the respect of the visa obligation.Companies may only transfer the funds once they have received a visa number. Be careful, the grouped visa number received by the organiser covers only the companies enumerated in the visa application and afterwards in the decision; if one or more sponsors present themselves later, their sponsorship will have to subject to a new visa application (cf. substantial modification).

The visa number has to be mentioned in all correspondence

  • between the companies and the organisers in the situation of sponsorship of the organiser of an event
  • between the companies and the healthcare professionals in the situation of direct sponsorship of participants.


A delivered visa number by the Visa office contains a suspicion of accordance of the project with article 10, §2, 1st paragraph, 2° of the law of 25 March 1964 on medicinal products and with the articles 3 to 8 of the Code of Ethics of Mdeon, insofar the by the company sent visa application is complete and strokes with the reality.

If a project should undergo a substantial modification between the moment of submitting the visa application and the beginning of the scientific event, a new visa application should be submitted.